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[yp_button href=”#!” size=”sm” active=”false”]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” size=”sm” active=”true”]Button[/yp_button]

[yp_button href=”#!” active=”false” icon_before=”fa fa-css3″]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” active=”true” icon_before=”fa fa-css3″]Button[/yp_button]

[yp_button href=”#!” size=”lg” active=”false” icon_after=”fa fa-angle-right”]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” size=”lg” active=”true” icon_after=”fa fa-angle-right”]Button[/yp_button]

Button Colors

[yp_button href=”#!” color=”primary”]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” color=”success”]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” color=”info”]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” color=”warning”]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” color=”danger”]Button[/yp_button]

[yp_button href=”#!” color=”primary” active=”true”]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” color=”success” active=”true”]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” color=”info” active=”true”]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” color=”warning” active=”true”]Button[/yp_button] [yp_button href=”#!” color=”danger” active=”true”]Button[/yp_button]

Button Groups

[yp_button href=”#!”]Button[/yp_button]
[yp_button href=”#!”]Button[/yp_button]
[yp_button href=”#!”]Button[/yp_button]
[yp_button href=”#!”]Button[/yp_button]
[yp_button href=”#!”]Button[/yp_button]

Progress Bars

[yp_progress percent=”40″ striped=”1″ color=”success”]40% Complete (success)[/yp_progress][yp_progress percent=”20″ color=”info” striped=”1″]20% Complete (success)[/yp_progress][yp_progress percent=”60″ color=”warning” striped=””]60% Complete (success)[/yp_progress][yp_progress percent=”80″ color=”danger” striped=””]80% Complete (success)[/yp_progress]


[yp_accordion][yp_accordion_tab title=”One” active=””]

Ludum mutavit. Verbum est ex. Et … sunt occidat. Videtur quod est super omne oppidum. Quis transfretavit tu iratus es contudit cranium cum dolor apparatus. Qui curis! Modo nobis certamen est, qui non credunt at.

[/yp_accordion_tab][yp_accordion_tab title=”Two” active=””]

Ludum mutavit. Verbum est ex. Et … sunt occidat. Videtur quod est super omne oppidum. Quis transfretavit tu iratus es contudit cranium cum dolor apparatus. Qui curis! Modo nobis certamen est, qui non credunt at.

[/yp_accordion_tab][yp_accordion_tab title=”Three” active=””]

Ludum mutavit. Verbum est ex. Et … sunt occidat. Videtur quod est super omne oppidum. Quis transfretavit tu iratus es contudit cranium cum dolor apparatus. Qui curis! Modo nobis certamen est, qui non credunt at.



[yp_tabs class=””][yp_tab title=”Home” active=”1″ tab_id=”1434912603439-5″]

Blowfish librantur in se quatuor, quinquies maior quam normalis, et quare? Quare id faciam? Ut terrorem facit, qui quid. Terrent! Ut alter, scarier pisces agminis off. Et quod tu es? Vos blowfish. Tu iustus in omnibus visio.

[/yp_tab][yp_tab title=”Profile” active=”” tab_id=”1434912603685-9″]

Nonne vides quid sit? Tu es … Jesse me respice. Tu … blowfish sunt. A blowfish! Cogitare. Statura pusillus, nec sapientium panem, nec artificum.

[/yp_tab][yp_tab title=”Messages” active=”” tab_id=”1434912707112-2-4″]

Sed predators facile prædam blowfish secretum telum non se habet. Non ille? Quid faciam blowfish, Isai. Blowfish quid faciat? In blowfish inflat, purus?

[/yp_tab][yp_tab title=”Settings” active=”” tab_id=”1434912728762-3-0″]

Vides … suus ‘ suus ‘non aliud aerem. Nunc … qui cum partibus blowfish Isai? Tu damnare ius. Vos blowfish. Dicere iterum. Dicere illam quasi velis eam. Es BLOWFISH!



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Example heading [yp_label color=”default” text=”New”]

Example heading [yp_label color=”default” text=”New”]

Example heading [yp_label color=”default” text=”New”]

Example heading [yp_label color=”default” text=”New”]

Example heading [yp_label color=”default” text=”New”]
Example heading [yp_label color=”default” text=”New”]

Available variations

[yp_label color=”default” text=”Default”] [yp_label color=”primary” text=”Primary”] [yp_label color=”success” text=”Success”] [yp_label color=”info” text=”Info”] [yp_label color=”warning” text=”Warning”] [yp_label color=”danger” text=”Danger”]


[yp_alert color=”primary” dismissible=””]Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.[/yp_alert][yp_alert color=”success” dismissible=””]Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.[/yp_alert][yp_alert color=”info” dismissible=””]Heads up! This alert needs your attention, but it’s not super important.[/yp_alert][yp_alert color=”warning” dismissible=””]Warning! Better check yourself, you’re not looking too good.[/yp_alert][yp_alert color=”danger” dismissible=””]Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.[/yp_alert]

Dismissible Alerts

[yp_alert color=”warning” dismissible=”1″]Warning! Better check yourself, you’re not looking too good.[/yp_alert]